Want To Break Free From Fear? Stop Avoiding!

by | Sep 24, 2024 | Hypnotherapy

When you feel anxious or are fearful about something you want or need to do — whether it’s stopping a habit like gambling, drinking, or smoking, recovering from an eating disorder, asking for a promotion or a pay rise, having a difficult conversation with someone you care about…

Or any of the countless things you face as a grown-up — it often feels like it is fear or anxiety what’s stopping you from taking action.

But nope, it’s not fear or anxiety! ‍♀️

In reality, it’s not fear that stops you — it’s avoidance.

What…? Avoidance? 

Yes! We tend to avoid uncomfortable situations.
Avoiding fear or other difficult emotions gives you short-term relief, but in the long run, it adds to the anxiety. The more you avoid it, the more it feels like it’s consuming you. Each time you avoid it, you’re undermining your own confidence, making it harder to believe in your ability to change.

Here’s the key:

It’s not fear that holds you back: it’s the avoidance of fear.

Avoidance seems as if it could make you feel less vulnerable in the short term… But it always leads to more anxiety in the long run.

Feeling the fear and doing it anyway is the only way out of that dilemma! Remember, there’s no courage and there is no bravery without fear!

So, when will you finally embrace being courageous…? 

Yours in happiness and wellbeing


And when you’re ready to get courageous, stop avoiding and start taking action, give Jane a call at 0422 525843. We’re here to support you.


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