Hypnotherapy Supervision

0422 525 843


I will help you:


Why Supervision?

  • Develop skills more rapidly

  • Get better results for your clients faster

  • Increase the number of referrals you receive

  • Grow your business

  • Revisit processes you may not feel confident about or have not used in a while

  • Explore different and alternative approaches to the ‘same’ problem

  • Constantly learn, grow and improve your skills

  • Get help when what you’re doing isn’t working

  • A supportive, safe and small group of therapists to call on in between sessions

  • Have someone who is always in your corner to debrief with

  • Meet AHA and ASCH requirements

  • Supervisor since 2012

If you are working with clients one of the best ways to develop your skills further is through supervision. Through Supervision you may find that your clients get their outcomes in shorter time frames that someone is in your corner should you ever get stuck and that you have someone who will push you. In a session, you might confidentially discuss clients or case studies and review a process or technique so that you can provide the best possible service to your clients.

Just send me an email to find out more at silke@australianhypnotherapycentre.com.au

“Thank you so much for your guidance, wisdom and knowledge, as a Supervisor. It is such an empowering feeling to know that I have you in my corner when it comes to working with my clients.  You have given me much clarity, reassurance and insight, so that I now feel very confident, as a therapist.  It can be a bit overwhelming with clients, but now I have our Supervision sessions to look forward to, I know I always have you to shed your wealth of knowledge and information.  I always look forward to our sessions as they bring new awareness and understanding about a client’s issue and I really enjoy your sense of fun.  Thank you once again, and I highly recommend you to anyone who needs a Supervisor to help them on their journey.”

Myia Cleggett,
Perth, Master Hypnotherapist / NLP Coach

Thank you Myia! When you decide to do supervision with me you can be safe in the knowing that I am in your corner…

You have a lot of knowledge and understanding, you have amazing tools, and some of you also have a lot of experience. Supervision is where it all comes together for you.

The essence of Supervision


Supervision provides the benefit of objective input on a regular basis. As a supervisor, it is my job to maintain objectivity at all times.

In professional supervision, you are able to discuss your work and clients on a regular basis in a safe, professional and confidential environment and you receive unbiased guidance.

It’s important to know that you can also discuss personal issues that may prevent you from getting the outcome you want. Hence Supervision is the fastest and easiest way for you to become very precise in what you’re doing. By being precise you get to the real problems much faster and easier. Which of course leads to much better client outcomes and more referrals for you.

After all these years I still enjoy my own Supervision and really look forward to it.

A screenshot of a 5 star client review sharing their improvement with Silke's supervision

Hypnotherapy Supervision is a bit like this:

Without Supervision, you always need to find your own path. But because you are on the path you can’t always see where you’re going. With Supervision, you have a personal guide who has walked that path 100s of times. Your guide knows all of the potential stumbling blocks and rocks along that path points them out to you and shows you the way around them.

I have learned a lot the hard way so you can learn an easier way… And of course, it always is your path and sometimes you just need to make the same mistakes until you get it and that’s okay too…

Most of my Supervisees are also trained to a very high level in NLP. If someone is not trained in NLP that’s fine too and would most likely result in individual supervision.

Of course, if needed I also assist my Supervisees with business building and marketing and they can contact me in between the monthly Supervision sessions.

Formats of Supervision

Professional supervision is a requirement of both the Australian Society of Hypnotherapists (ASCH) and the Australian Hypnotherapy Association (AHA). I am a registered Supervisor for both Hypnotherapy Associations.

My Supervision sessions are mostly online (Zoom or Skype)

I offer one-on-one and group Supervision.

Most of my Supervisors are spread out all over Australia (QLD, WA, VIC, TAS, SA) and hence all groups are Skype or Zoom meeting groups. Once you have joined a group you will get the great benefit of having a tight-knit group of other therapists.

For more information on any form of supervision and if you have any questions or just want a quick phone chat just give me a call or send me an email at silke@australianhypnotherapycentre.com.au

Qualifications and Training:

Master Hypnotherapist, Master Practitioner NLP, Coaching, Advanced Medical Hypnosis, rapid and instant inductions, NLP for weight loss, Metaphors of Movement, NLP Coaching Foundations

Among others, I have trained with:

  • The Mind Academy, Alistair Horscroft
  • Andrew T. Austin, Metaphors of Movement
  • Sean Michael Andrews, the World’s Fastest Hypnotist
  • NLP Worldwide, Sydney
  • Igor Ledochowski, Hypnosis Training Academy
  • Connirae Andreas

“If you are new to the profession of Hypnotherapy, Coaching and NLP, I highly recommend Silke as supervisor. Silke came highly recommended by other colleagues, and from the moment I approached her she made me feel at ease very quickly. Silke is very knowledgeable, professional and has a great sense of humour. I look forward to and enjoy my monthly group supervision sessions with Silke and most importantly, it gives me peace of mind knowing that if I have any questions Silke is a phone call, email or text away.

Thank you Silke, by working with you I have become more competent and confident in my daily practice.”

Ana Martinez – Melbourne
Master Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Practitioner, Success and Life Coach

More testimonials

Read what Annie says: “To be supervised or not to be supervised – that is the question!!”

Supervision is crucial to ones development.  Nothing beats experience and to have the honour and opportunity to tap into a professionals knowledge and experience will only reap big dividends in your Practice, your skill set and for yourself. It’s also great forum to bounce cases off other colleagues (if in group supervision) and learn from the cases they present too, which is also invaluable.

I will continue supervision, up-skilling, learning, study as it’s imperative to keep expanding my ‘map’, for if you think you know everything, you are only limiting yourself!!

Supervision is a safe environment to learn and you have fun as well.  Start now and watch your knowledge and skills improve and feel your confidence soar!!

A flower does not bloom and flourish without the appropriate care: water, sunlight, nutrients etc.  The same is true for us, we benefit greatly from supervision. Silke is a gifted hypnotherapist, NLPer and Coach with a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience.  I would not be where I am now without her guidance and I’m very thankful.” *

Annie Walker – Bathurst Hypnotherapy

Thank you Annie! It’s great to know I provide water, sun and nutrients for your practice! 😉

* Results may vary from person to person

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