Hypnotherapy for Grief & Loss

Sunshine Coast and online

0422 525 843

When the pain of Grief and Loss is too much bear

I am so sorry that you are here. Because I know what that means…

Losing your loved one is so unimaginably painful and it feels like nobody really understands. And all the emotions can be so overwhelming. It’s that unparalleled emotional storm of sadness, anger, anxiety, guilt and so much more. Literally, everything is overwhelming. And please know that it’s okay to not be okay.

The grief from losing a loved one is just brutal. The pain and onslaught of emotions can feel like it’s just too much, making every aspect of life overwhelmingly difficult.

Please know that it’s normal to feel like this long after the world around you seems to have moved on.

You need a real personalised approach

As someone who has personally been through the awful depths of grief and has helped hundreds of clients with their unique grief situations, I really understand. 

You need to go at your own pace!

Grieving is very personal. It’s different for everybody and you and I both know that. There are no rules around grief. At some stage in our lives we are all touched by grief. Some more than others. Let me assure you that I didn’t plan on becoming a leading expert on grief. I had to. I had no other choice. 

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Your Grief is Unique

Grieving is an intensely personal process, with no right or wrong way to go about it. Whether it’s a fresh loss or you’re grieving a loss from years ago, the pain of grief knows no timetable. In my work and life, I’ve learned that grief touches us all, eventually. 

And nobody will ever understand what grief is like until it is their turn to sit in the front row at the funeral…

Why Hypnotherapy for Grief?

  • Because using hypnosis and hypnotherapy for grief is incredibly gentle.
  • It allows you to bring back memories and to remember the things you want to remember.
  • Hypnotherapy for grief help you deal better with the onslaught of tasks, emotions and what other people say 
  • You will be able to relax with hypnotherapy for grief

→ If you’re struggling with grief, whether it’s over a human or a beloved pet, and you’re finding it all so very hard, I’m here to help. There’s no need to carry the weight alone.

As a respected leader in grief therapy, recognised internationally, I’m committed to guiding you gently in your grief at your pace, ensuring you feel supported every step of the way.

This is the hardest path you will ever have to walk. And you have to walk it without the only person who could help you get through it.

You and your journey with grief deserves utmost care, compassion, understanding and support you.


Support for Dog and Animal Grief Too

Your dogs, cats and other animal companions hold a special place in your heart. If you’re mourning the loss of a pet, know that this can impact you just as much. 

Give us a call!

When you’re ready to allow some light back into your life, please reach out. Call 0422 525 843 for grief hypnotherapy in Peregian Beach and Birtinya, or email silke@australianhypnotherapycentre.com.au

Grief makes you feel like you’re all alone in the world and that nobody understands and you’re not alone. I am here to help you with the right support and gentle guidance so that you too can find a way to create a life worth living around your grief. 

You need a professional guide to help you with grief

I have been the key speaker on grief at various Hypnotherapy Conferences and Symposiums. I’ve shared my unique grief approach with psychologists, hypnotherapists, and counsellors on helping the bereaved find their own way. 

The way I work with grief is not about moving on, it is not about leaving our loved ones behind… Instead, it is about making sure you manage to still live a meaningful life in a way that works for you.Keeping all that is so dear to you and at the same time finding ways to live life now and into the future.

This way you ensure that you always have your loved one in your heart of hearts,  while gradually allowing living life back in. 

A good start is to be able to breathe again…

It’s possible to lessen the overwhelming pain of grief while holding onto the love and everything that made your connection so special. The way I work with hypnotherapy for grief will help you ease the painful memories while strengthening the joyful ones in a way that allows you to remember even more, without ever feeling like you’re forgetting or dishonouring your loved one.

Your Grief, Your Pace

Grief can disguise itself as many things—anger, depression, anxiety, shame or even physical issues like weight gain or pain. My own journey through loss, including the loss of my sister, two of my soul dogs, and my dad, has equipped me with not just understanding but a heartfelt empathy for all forms of grief.

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