The most annoying hypnotherapy participant

by | Aug 21, 2024 | Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Life Transformation

About 16 years ago (in 2008), I stumbled upon my first Hypnotherapy course. At the time, I had no idea I was training with one of the best trainers worldwide. On that course, there was this lady – a bit annoying, I must admit.

The endless questions

She was incredibly left-brained and logical, constantly bombarding the trainer with questions: Why do the changes stick? What happens in the brain during hypnosis? Why didn’t other therapies work? Why did you do that in Hypnosis…?

It was like dealing with an endlessly curious 4-year-old.

The trainer answered every legit skill and knowledge-based question regarding Hypnotherapy and ignored all questions that were just born from her own anxiety and didn’t add anything of value.

During group hypnosis sessions, everyone had their eyes closed, going with the flow, allowing themself to relax into the experience. But not her!

Nope, she always had one eye open, as if she was trying to trust (probably herself…) but couldn’t quite. At least not yet.

Which was such an important lesson. Because I always respect that every client needs to go at their own pace. Not only with Hypnotherapy and generally in life.

Who was it?

And guess who that annoying lady was? Yep, That was me…! Bahahahaha…..


Working for the past 15 years as a clinical Hypnotherapist didn’t just change my life; it transformed it entirely. Imagine when I told my dad, a German Engineer, that I was leaving a perfectly good job to open my own hypnotherapy clinic on the Sunshine Coast..

Now, I’m a sought-after presenter at international Hypnosis Conferences, a Supervisor for the most prestigious Hypnotherapy Associations I have helped thousands of clients overcome what held them back and I’m pretty sure my late dad would be incredibly proud.

So, if you ever find Hypnosis a bit weird or unconventional, don’t worry – you’re in excellent company here!! I know what that is like…

And know I’m here to guide and support you every step of the way.


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