The BS of 24/7 Bliss & Happiness

by | Aug 3, 2024 | Coaching, Empowerment, Happiness, Hypnotherapy, Personal Growth, Self-help

Some people think that they need to be happy 24/7

Or that they need to be calm 24/7 / Or feel fabulous 24/7 / Or present every presentation perfectly / or

And if they are not…?
=> Then they feel like they’re failing / not good enough / that there is something wrong with them / that whatever they are doing isn’t working…
But is 24/7 even realistic? Are you ever going to get to that stage?
No, of course not!!!

Delusional or Reality – you get to choose

I know that there are probably some spiritual/hippie/delusional people out there who try to base themselves in continuous love, bliss, and happiness .
I prefer to base myself, my hypnotherapy work and my philosophy of life fully in reality.

And the reality of the situation is that life has its ups and downs.
You have ups and downs.
And if you’re comparing yourself to an unrealistic goal of being happy / calm / whatever 24/7, then you always feel that you’re failing. Or that what you’re doing is not working… It couldn’t be further from the truth: it just means that your goal of having to be happy 24/7 is completely unrealistic!

So, here’s the solution:

Never compare yourself to a BS goal.
Only compare yourself to where you were last week, or to where you were a month ago, or to where you were a year ago. 

Be aware of perfectionism 

Now, of course, the 24/7 / all the time goal usually goes hand-in-hand with perfectionism.

However, as we know, perfectionism is equally unattainable because you can only ever fail against perfectionism .
=> As I keep telling my Hypnotherapy clients: “You can strive for excellence, but never perfection!”

When you compare yourself to where you were yesterday and start to notice the little shifts, that’s progress. For example” “Oh yes, in this situation, I was a little bit more calm ”. “Or in that situation, I didn’t freak out as much as I usually would .”

Focus on YOUR progress

That is progress, and you need to focus on every single bit of progress, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to you. By focusing on that little bit of progress, you are telling your mind, your brain, and your entire neurology that this is what you want more of. You’re giving yourself a chance to deliver more of it .

Therefore, it is so important to only compare yourself to the progress that you have already made . In my clinic it’s not all about Hypnotherapy and NLP, because so much is within your power and I believe in empowering my Hypnotherapy clients with effective mind training tools so they can become they’re own best Hypnotherapist.

What matters is that you use the power of positive reinforcement and giving your brain clear directions!  

Yours in growth and moving forward



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