Instant Gratification vs. Consistency

by | Jun 18, 2024 | Gratitude, Hypnotherapy, Personal Growth, Self-help

Thanks to the world we live in, our desire for instant gratification has increased exponentially compared to what it used to be, even just a few years ago.

Our world is filled with distractions and responsibilities and it seems too easy to postpone or neglect the very things that make you more resilient – like Hypnotherapy and overcoming anxiety with Hypnosis.

The trap

We fall into the trap of thinking we’ll get to our own needs “when we have time” or “when things settle down.” As if that ever happened…! 

“One day / next week / I’ll start Monday” it just never happens…

So you need to make yourself a priority right now. But how….? 

Learning to say ‘no’. Being consistent. Learning the huge benefits of delayed gratification. Doing what’s right over what’s easy…

All of that becomes easier when you know how to use the power of your own mind. Which becomes easier and easier when you know how to use the power of hypnosis and work with a very skilled and experienced Hypnotherapist.

As Julius Erving famously said:

“If you don’t do what’s best for you, you’re the one who comes up short in the end.”


Are you ready to make YOU, YOURSELF and YOUR NEEDS your own priority?
If yes: that’s great because Hypnotherapy really is the proven best way to help you make the changes you want to make.

If no: Then I wonder what’s stopping you?
Probably some subconscious belief you have about yourself? Maybe a sense of feeling guilty or not worthy or not deserving…  Which is why Hypnosis is needed t help you make these changes. 

Let me assure you that Hypnotherapy really is the best way to get rid of those things that held you back and finally make the changes you want!


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